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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) Hormone replacement therapies tailored for male and women patients.

St. Louis Bioidentical Hormones Specialist

Bioidentical hormones can be administered in various forms, tailored to patient preferences, including creams, gels, implanted pellets, injections, patches, and pills.

Health By Design offers safe, innovative, and natural alternatives

to pharmaceutical drugs, which may have unknown side effects.

Health By Design will explore the range of available options with you.

BHRT enables patients to rejuvenate and feel their best!

In St. Louis, bioidentical hormone specialist Bryan Warner, M.D., can create a personalized BHRT program to alleviate symptoms and promote optimal health.

  • Bioidentical Hormones for Women

    Hormonal imbalances and declines can greatly affect the physical and emotional well-being of women, impacting those dealing with aging, menopause, perimenopause, thyroid, and endocrine conditions. Traditional medical treatments often focus on symptom management rather than addressing root causes, leaving women frustrated. BHRT offers a safe and natural solution to end this suffering.
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  • Testosterone Replacement for Men

    Testosterone is crucial for male bodily functions. A decrease in testosterone can affect mental health, blood sugar levels, heart health, sexual function, and sleep patterns. Many men gradually accept these symptoms as aging. Natural testosterone replacement can restore vitality, so suffering is unnecessary.
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happy and healthy couple
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    What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

    Hormone levels can decline at any life stage for various reasons, including unhealthy diets, inadequate sleep, excessive alcohol, smoking, high stress, and sedentary lifestyles. Regardless of the cause, BHRT helps men and women address hormonal imbalances and deficiencies. Previously, options were limited to non-bioidentical hormone therapy. Bioidentical hormones differ from past therapies, offering unique benefits.

    Traditional hormone therapies use animal-derived hormones, which can cause severe side effects due to their non-identical nature to human hormones. Bioidentical hormones, derived from natural soy or yam sources, mimic the body's hormones, sharing the same molecular structure and function as human hormones. This similarity allows them to be metabolized and accepted without negative side effects.

    Bioidentical hormones allow for personalized dosing, unlike past one-size-fits-all approaches. For instance, women with varying estrogen deficiencies can receive precise dosing, avoiding health risks like estrogen dominance. We assess individual hormone levels and provide treatments tailored to specific deficiencies.

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    Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

    Some general benefits of BHRT include:
     Reduced Hot Flashes Increased Muscle Mass Enhanced Energy Better Moods● Better Sexual Function Healthier Sleep Cycles Stronger Bones Stronger Nails Reduced Anxiety Decreased Vaginal Dryness Increased Stamina Better Workout Performances Lustrous Hair Improved Skin Elasticity Fewer Night Sweats Reduced Depression